Hi. Hello. Long time, no blog. How are you? Good? Me too. Why you might ask... Well, Briam and I are officially engaged! OMGoodness!!!!
I'm so freaking excited. I could not be happier than I am right now. It was so sweet, simple, and unexpected. I feel more in love with him now than I did when we were just BF and GF. I don't know if that sounds silly, but it's how I feel. We do have a date, November 15, 2017. So far away, right? Well that's because I'm going for my MBA next year and we wanted to wait until after I graduate to get married. And that also gives me ample time to plan the most beautiful, perfect wedding! And guess what? You guys get to come along with me during the whole thing!
My whole heart is happy. I've waited almost 7 years for this. And it's finally here.
I hope you all can join me on this journey (one of many I seem to be taking) and can gain inspiration and happiness. I love you all and am so happy to be sharing this special moment in my life with you!
I'm so in love with my ring! He went to Jared! |
You know I had to pick up a wedding book! |